How To Use Automation As A Competitive Advantage

Ft. Sabrina Castiglione | Pento

Each week, we interview real experts about topics you need to know about.

Today we have Sabrina Castiglione, COO at Pento and ex-CFO at Tessian. Pento make UK Payroll Smooth, Compliant and Error-Free.

We’re covering How To Use Automation As A Competitive Advantage.

Next 3 weeks:

  • Ali Tajskander (Founder of Wishpond) - How To Scale Faster Through Acquisitions.

  • Lars Albright (General Partner at Unusual Ventures) - How Founders Can Approach Negotiations During M&A

  • Adam Nathan (Founder of Almanack) - How To Use The Modern Work Method

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How To Use Automation As A Competitive Advantage

Here are some of the key takeaways from the episode if you’re in a rush!

Problem Solution unaware

There’s in a lot of pain but they don’t realize how much pain they’re in.


You will find opportunity if you strip out technology and ask what tasks people dread. They might not have even thought a solution was possible and just accepted the task has to be done even when it doesn’t.

Less is more

We want people spending as little time as possible.


Many AI models are used to maximize engagement but in B2B, you should be thinking about efficiency instead. How can you get clients to spend as little time as possible doing their tasks?

Pento analyses where customers spend the most time in their app and actively works to reduce friction.

Beach Heads

You have to be willing to break some of those rules of hyperscale and you need to have people who’ve been there and done it before.

Sabrina Castiglione

Pento’s first major customer were law firms and they understood the problem acutely. Rather than hiring experienced generic sales people, Pento hired people from their beach head companies who could deliver a better experience for customers because they truly believed in the solution.

Why don’t you hire people who’ve felt the pain?

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