Over 28.8M minutes spent reading Entrepreneur's Handbook

Here are some of the greatest hits

Hi there,

Today, I was floored to discover that our audience has spent a total of 55 years reading Entrepreneur’s Handbook.

That’s as if someone was born and immediately started reading EH nonstop straight until they turned 55 years old. Pah!

We started in 2014 with 5 followers. Today, we have 227k followers on Medium.

Our stories, sculpted by editor Stephen Moore, and podcasts hosted by Amardeep Parmar, have featured guests including Ev Williams and Marc Randolph and have been published in Inc. Magazine, Business Insider, Forbes, Quartz, and Axios, and we have over 1.1M backlinks from sites like The New York Times and Investopedia.

We used this milestone to look back to find some of the top stories that have been read by millions of people.

Below are 20 of the best.

Skim the headlines.

I love how they’re just dripping with value for entrepreneurs, and they deliver on them with beautiful takeaways and insights, as per our mission.

  • Our mission has always been: to help entrepreneurs succeed.

  • Our method has always been: by publishing inspirational stories with practical takeaways.

  • Our honor hasn’t been being the largest publication on Medium, but as one of the few who are still here, still working with Medium (as they’re about to cross 1M paid members), and still publishing high-quality stories from great writers.

Speaking of great writers, we’re always looking for new voices.

If you’d like to write for Entrepreneur’s Handbook, read our editorial guidelines and if you think it’s a fit, give us a shout. We’re always looking for honest, helpful stories from founders overcoming hard decisions and pushing through failure to find success.

OK, that’s enough of a preamble - on with the stories.

Please enjoy:

The Greatest Hits from Entrepreneur’s Handbook

1. This 26-Year-Old Programmer Built a $1 Billion App In 2 Years — After Following His Girlfriend’s Advice

Kevin Systrom at Techcrunch Disrupt 2011. JD Lasica’s image

How a failed passion project turned into one of the most iconic apps of our time.

2. Elon Musk’s 2 Rules For Learning Anything Faster

A structure to help you take over entire industries.

3. I sat down with a millionaire who operates 10 businesses while sailing around the world with his family

This is what he told me.

4. The real reasons why a VC passed on your startup

Receiving that “no” as a startup founder is often hard.

5. What It Takes to Go from $0 to $1 Million in Less Than One Year

There’s no “secret sauce” — it just requires going through these same boring steps.

6. According to Warren Buffett, Honing This One Skill Can Improve Your Worth by 50 Percent

Along with 6 proven exercises to get you started.

7. How This 26-Year-Old Writer Generates $1.94 Million Per Year

by Dave Schools

Nat Eliason

Nat Eliason turned his philosophy degree into a money minting machine. This article is about how he did it and how you can, too.

8. Use The 1–50 Rule to Make Money Within the Next 24 Hours

A fast and profitable way to launch new projects.

9. The Humble Way to Get Rich

Unlearn your wealth-rejecting habits and focus on what’s left.

10. How To Get More Done In 3 Hours Than Most Do In A Week

These 9 simple (and free) productivity hacks will transform your results.

11. This is How I Made $40k In Passive Income By Age 26

Created by the author — original image from Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

3 hours of effort over 3 years.

12. According to Steve Jobs, This One Thing Separates The Doers from The Dreamers

No one is coming to save you.

13. An Elderly Mathematician Hacked the Lottery for $26 Million

Author via istock photos

How Jerry Selbee thrived with a simple algebraic solution.

14. The Exact Steps I Followed to Make $1,500+ of Passive Income Every Month

Photo by cmophoto.net on Unsplash

I’m 29 and refuse to trade time for money. Here’s how you can do it too.

15. How I Slowly Became A “Middle-Class” Millionaire

Image licensed from Shutterstock // Voronaman

Learn the rules of the game.

16. If You Can’t Buy It Twice, Don’t Buy It

And other practical money business advice.

17. How I Made More than $1M from Writing Online in 8 Years

Image supplied by author (pictured: me)

I don’t give a f*ck if you don’t like the headline.

18. My Startup Failed Six Years Ago. I’ve Been Hiding from My Shame Ever Since.

Millions of people listened to my Y Combinator-backed startup’s story. This is what happened after everything fell apart.

19. Shut it Down!

Top story from Crypto Handbook

Come eat some of these ‘member berries with me.

20. The Formula that Got My Business a 200x ROI in Our First 90 Days

This formula is proof you can launch a business for under $1,000.

If you enjoyed these stories, I’d love to know which one - reach out on Twitter and tag @EntreHandbook.

Thanks for reading. See you next Thursday.
