Entrepreneur’s Handbook’s Shiny New EH Weekly

Welcome to EH Weekly, the shiny new newsletter from the team behind Medium’s biggest entrepreneur-focused publication.

You can look forward to insightful lessons, practical takeaways, the hottest new stories and the oddest memes delivered to your inbox every Monday.

In this week’s edition, we discuss:

  • Apple’s new mixed-reality headset

  • Answering the million-dollar question: “How do I know if a hire will work out or not?”

  • The memes of the week

P.S. EH Podcast Season 2 has kicked off after Season 1 had the likes of Ev Williams (Twitter Co-Founder) and Marc Randolph (Netflix Co-Founder).

On Mondays, Amar and Stephen will discuss the latest business and startup news in a short format episode.

On Thursdays, Amar will continue interviewing some of the most exciting names in the startup world.

Listen to us dunk on Zuckerberg and discuss the Apple conference.

Is Apple’s Vision Pro a Fad or the Future?

It happened. After years of speculation and rumor, Apple revealed its “mixed reality” headset, the Vision Pro. And it caused mixed reactions. While there’s no questioning its high-quality design or that it’s the best virtual experience available, it still suffers the same issues; it’s a bulky headset that must overcome the societal stigma of why - why would we wear this on our heads? It also comes at the eye-watering price of $3499.

So is it a fad, or is it the future? The answer will depend on the third-party developers and whether Apple commits to iterating it year after year. Apple usually gets hardware right, but is this a dystopian step too far?

Fad or Future?

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The Pitfalls of Hiring

How do I know if a hire will work out or not? This is really a million-dollar question because it can make or break your startup, team, or projects.

Hiring is not an exact science, but there are some principles that you can use to guide yourself.

  1. If it’s not a Hell Yes! and it’s a Maybe, request another interview and probe for the missing pieces that you need. It is best to avoid a bad hire for both parties.

  2. Be honest with the candidate. Try to present the candidate with how things are; if sometimes long hours are needed before a release (the case for most startups), tell them that. Hiring needs to be a fit from both sides.

  3. Ultimately, what matters is the answer to this question: Is the candidate smart, gets things done, and a good culture add? If the answer is yes, bingo. If uncertainty remains, the answer is no.

👉️ You can deep dive into the pitfalls of hiring here: What I’ve Learned About the Pitfalls of Hiring After Holding 1000 Interviews

Sweet Tweets (Vision Pro Edition)

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Till next time,

Team EH